Trump Vows China Tariffs Exceeding 60% if Elected 'We Have to Do It' Reuters

What Trump Said

Trump said he would put tariffs on China again if he wins the election. These tariffs could be even higher than 60 percent.

He believes it’s necessary to impose these tariffs on China. He mentioned that the stock market had a significant impact the last time tariffs were imposed, almost crashing.

When asked about a report suggesting 60 percent tariffs, Trump hinted that he might consider even higher percentages, suggesting a potential escalation in tariff rates.

Current Political Situation

Trump is currently the leading candidate for the Republican Party to challenge the current President, Joe Biden, in the November 5 election.

Previous Tariffs and Trade War

During his previous term, Trump imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods in 2018 and 2019 as part of a trade war between the U.S. and China.

The current administration under President Biden kept some of the tariffs imposed by Trump and added new restrictions, especially regarding the export of advanced semiconductors and related equipment due to security concerns.

Ongoing Review

The U.S. trade representative is currently reviewing the tariffs imposed on Chinese goods.

Trump’s Perspective

Trump dismissed the idea that imposing tariffs would lead to another trade war with China, claiming that his previous dealings with China were successful.

Despite talking about tariffs, Trump expressed a positive view about China, stating that he wants China to do well. He also mentioned having a good relationship with President Xi during his term.

#2024 U.S. election, #China tariffs update, #Economic impact analysis, #Trump trade policy, #U.S.-China trade relations