french farmers block roads' Protest Sparks Chaos and Violence

What happened

French farmers organized a demonstration at the border between France and Spain. They blocked a major road on the AP-7 highway.


The farmers are part of a larger protest happening across France. They are worried about low prices for their agricultural products and too much red tape (bureaucracy).

Impact on Traffic

The protest affected traffic trying to enter France from Spain on the AP-7 highway. About 20,000 Spanish trucks usually cross into France every day.

Violence and Attacks

Some Spanish trucks at the border faced attacks, including vandalism and destruction of goods by the French protesters.

Response from Spain

Spain’s agriculture minister condemned the violence, calling it “absolutely unacceptable.” While supporting the right to peaceful protests, he criticized the use of violence.

Spanish Farmers’ Perspective

A representative from a Spanish farmers association said they understand the reasons behind the French protests and agree with some of their demands. However, they are confused about why Spanish production is being targeted, as both countries are part of the European Union, and goods should move freely.

Incidents at the Border

Videos were released showing long lines of trucks blocked at the border. Another video allegedly showed a Spanish truck driver being forced to empty 20,000 liters of wine from the tank.

Criticism from Spanish Transport Associations

Spain’s federation of transport associations criticized the protests, saying that fair demands lose legitimacy when accompanied by intolerable acts.

French Farmers’ Objective

The French farmers are protesting to push the government to provide more support for them.

Spanish Authorities’ Message

While Spanish authorities respect the right to demonstrate and express opinions, they emphasize the importance of doing so peacefully and without violence or coercion.

#AP-7 highway blocked France Spain, #EU agricultural trade regulations, #French farmers government support, #French farmers protest Spain border, #Peaceful demonstrations Spain France, #Spanish Agriculture Minister statement French protests, #Violence against Spanish trucks France