Gaza Doctor's 45-Day Detention Reveals Horrifying Abuse by Israeli Forces

Captivity and Conditions

In December, Israeli forces surrounded the hospital where Dr. Maarouf was working.

He was held captive for 45 days.

During this time, he endured severe conditions, including sleep deprivation, constant shackling, and blindfolding.

Physical Treatment

Dr. Maarouf was handcuffed, shackled, and blindfolded throughout his imprisonment.

He was forced to sleep in uncomfortable places covered with pebbles, without a mattress, pillow, or cover.

Loud music played while he tried to sleep, making the conditions more challenging.

Impact on Health

The torture was severe, leading to significant weight loss for Dr. Maarouf. He lost more than 25 kilograms during his detention.

Lack of Information

Due to blindfolding, he doesn’t know where he was detained.

The Red Cross picked him up at the Kerem Shalom crossing after his release.

His last contact with his family was during an announcement for medical staff to leave the hospital.

He has no information about the fate of his wife, five children, and other relatives since then.

Context of Conflict

The conflict began when Hamas militants crossed the border into Israeli towns on October 7.

Israel’s military assault resulted in significant casualties, with more than 27,000 reported Palestinian deaths in Gaza, according to health authorities in Hamas-run Gaza.

Israel’s Position

Israel’s military did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Israel has previously denied targeting or abusing civilians.

Israel accuses Hamas of using hospitals for military operations, a claim denied by Hamas.

Dr. Maarouf’s Current Status

Dr. Maarouf, a pediatrician for 23 years, is now back working in a children’s ward in Gaza.

#Dr Said Abdulrahman, #DrSaidMaarouf, #Gaza Doctor's, #Gaza hospital overrun, #GazaHospitalAbuse