Race to the Nomination Key States and Territories in Play Leading Up to Republican National Convention

South Carolina Primary (Feb. 24)

This is the next big event after New Hampshire.

Nikki Haley is the main challenger to Donald Trump.

South Carolina is typically a conservative state and usually supports Trump.

Michigan Primary (Feb. 27)

After South Carolina, attention moves to Michigan.

No specific candidates mentioned, but it’s part of the ongoing primary process.

Super Tuesday (March 5)

A crucial date where many states (like Alabama, Alaska, California, Texas) hold their primaries.

Trump hopes to secure the nomination on this day.

After Super Tuesday, the primary process goes national, involving many states and territories leading up to the Republican National Convention in July.

National Primary Schedule (March to June)

Involves several states and territories, including Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Louisiana, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, etc.

The process stretches through April, May, and June.

The last primaries are scheduled for June 4, including states like Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota.

Republican National Convention (July)

This is where the official nominee for the Republican Party will be chosen by party delegates.

Key States in Later Stages (March and April)

Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York have crucial primaries in March and April.

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