Ron DeSantis Florida Governor Ends 2024 Presidential Bid,

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drops Out of 2024 Presidential Race

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has decided not to continue in the 2024 presidential race.

He made this decision before the Republican primary election in New Hampshire.

Endorses Donald Trump

DeSantis has endorsed Donald Trump after realizing that he doesn’t have a clear path to winning the nomination.

Donald Trump is currently considered the leading candidate, having won the first contest in Iowa with 51% of the vote.

Nikki Haley as the Remaining Challenger

Nikki Haley is now the only remaining challenger to Trump.

She claims to be the “only one” who can defeat the current US President, Joe Biden.

DeSantis’ Announcement in a Video

DeSantis made his announcement in a nearly five-minute video on X (formerly Twitter).

He stated that his campaign had put in a lot of effort but acknowledged the lack of a clear path to victory.

Reasons for Dropping Out

DeSantis cited the majority of Republican voters wanting to give Donald Trump another chance.

He emphasized that his decision was due to a lack of a clear path to victory.

Trump’s Support for DeSantis

Donald Trump expressed support for DeSantis, calling him a “really terrific person” and commending his campaign efforts.

DeSantis vs. “Diet Trump” Image

DeSantis presented himself as a candidate aligned with Trump’s agenda but without the drama.

Some referred to him as “diet Trump,” and supporters felt it wasn’t the right time for his candidacy.

Campaign Dynamics with Nikki Haley

The Trump campaign urged all Republicans to support Trump and criticized Nikki Haley as “the candidate of the globalists and Democrats.”

DeSantis criticized Haley as a member of the “old Republican guard” and a “repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism.”

Nikki Haley’s Perspective

Nikki Haley insisted that she is the conservative candidate and the only one capable of defeating Biden.

She framed the race as being between her and Trump.

Results of Iowa Caucuses

DeSantis narrowly finished ahead of Haley in the Iowa caucuses with 21% of the vote.

Despite framing it as a victory, it was a disappointment for DeSantis after significant efforts.

Surprising Exit and One-on-One Contest

DeSantis’ decision to exit surprised some, especially considering confirmed plans for his election night celebration in New Hampshire.

The exit is seen as consolidating the race into a one-on-one contest between Trump and Haley, according to Chris Ager, the state committee chair of New Hampshire’s Republican Party.

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